
If your home has a system of ductwork, you may have wondered what’s going on in there, out of sight and out of reach. We usually only see the inside of ductwork when we watch action heroes crawl through it in movies—and that’s not a particularly accurate depiction. Does it get dirty in there? And […]
If you’re looking into your options for replacing or upgrading your air conditioning system, ductless air conditioning or a mini-split system might be an ideal solution. If you haven’t heard of this option, or you’ve heard the name but don’t know much about it, we would love to give you more information so you can […]
If you were listing factors that contribute to a person’s health and well-being, you would certainly include things like a nutritious diet, moderate exercise, and drinking plenty of water. But did you put indoor air quality on your list? The air you breathe can impact your life in a lot of ways, and the air […]
There are many components in an air conditioner. As the name implies, the refrigerant is the substance that actually does the work of refrigerating, or cooling your home. It cycles between condensing into a liquid and evaporating into a gas, carrying heat from your home and releasing it outdoors. It’s important for it to remain […]
Have you heard of a whole house fan or an attic fan? Are you wondering how having a fan in your attic could possibly increase your comfort in the rest of your house? It may be surprising, but there are many benefits to a whole house fan which, yes, is installed in your attic. The […]
The average person spends over 90 percent of their time indoors. When spending time in your home, you must pay attention to indoor air quality. Consistently breathing in pollen, dust and other allergens can harm your respiratory system. Instead of allowing these allergens to cause sinus and breathing problems, you need to rid your home […]
While changing your filters and cleaning debris from around your AC unit is important, it’s still not good enough when it comes to tuning up your air conditioner. In general, it’s recommended to have a professional come out once a year for AC maintenance–or twice a year if you’re utilizing a heat pump system. We […]
A ductless AC system may seem like a thing of the future, but it’s actually growing in popularity in the United States as more and more people discover the benefits of going ductless. A ductless system works by linking mini-indoor units to an outdoor compressor. Unlike conventional units where everything is connected to a duct, […]
When homeowners are looking to save money by installing high-efficiency home comfort systems, they often look to their heating and cooling systems. After all, your HVAC system makes for about half of all your home’s energy use! Therefore it makes sense that you want them to operate as efficiently (a’hem, affordably) as possible! There’s one […]