Air Purifier
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Air Purifiers in Santa Fe

There are many reasons as to why your indoor air quality may suffer. Perhaps you reside near a major roadway, or an allergen–dense natural area. Whatever the cause of your indoor air quality problems, you can overcome them when provided with the right tools for the job. One of the best ways in which to eliminate the issues stemming from airborne pollutants in your home is to utilize an air purifier in Santa Fe, NM. That being said, you must remember that there are a number of different pollutants which you may encounter. That is why it is so important that you choose your air purifier wisely. You can only fight this battle successfully when armed with the right equipment. Contact Roadrunner Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing today to ensure that you are.

Roadrunner Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing provides reliable air purifiers and air purifier services in Santa Fe, NM and the surrounding areas.

Choosing the Best Air Purifier

In truth, there is no such thing as any one “best” air purifier. There is most certainly, however, an air purifier which best suits your particular situation. In fact, depending on what goes wrong with your indoor air quality, you may find that more than one type of air purifier is necessary. Whatever the case, we are here to help you choose the most appropriate system(s) for your needs.

For many cases, a good air filter is really all that is needed to boost indoor air quality sufficiently. Yes, there is an air filter (which you hopefully change regularly) in your HVAC system. However, this air filter is really designed to protect the condition of your HVAC equipment: not to boost indoor air quality. To do that, you may need an additional, more efficient air filter. Even then, though, this may not be precaution enough.

Electronic air purifiers are a great way to supplement an air filtration system. These devices do not filter the air as it passes through a filtering media. Instead, air is pulled into an ionization chamber. Therein, the pollutants within the air are given a static charge. They are then trapped on an oppositely charged collector plate. Some models allow the pollutants to attach to surfaces in your home, where they are simply wiped away during regular cleaning. Regardless of the method you choose, the result is the same; the pollutants are removed from circulation thanks to your air purifier.

Finally, there are different types of pollutants to consider. If biological pollutants, such as viruses, mold, and bacteria, are what you are up against, then you may need to take a more specialized approach with your air purifier. UV air purifiers do not filter the air at all: instead, the use small, safe amounts of UV radiation in order to destroy biological pollutants and to render them incapable of procreating. To learn more, just call up the Santa Fe indoor air quality specialists at Roadrunner Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing. We can answer any questions that you may still have regarding your air purification options.

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