
Your air conditioner is still getting quite the workout this summer, but what if you notice something isn’t quite right? What if, for example, you think your air conditioner isn’t keeping you as comfortable as it should, only to go look at the unit and notice that ice has developed on the evaporator coil? You […]
It’s no secret that around the Rio Rancho area, air conditioners are an absolute necessity and that they get quite the workout each and every summer. Fortunately, modern air conditioners are very durable, and can take the heat, right? Well, they can if they’re properly cared for, and used as efficiently as possible, anyhow. How […]
Is your aging air conditioner struggling, and leading you to wonder if it’s time to replace the system? Or perhaps you’re wondering if your current system is performing as efficiently as possible. Either way, it’s never a bad idea to learn about AC SEER ratings. A SEER rating is the energy efficiency ratio of your […]
Summer is here and warmer temps are here along with it for a while. So if you’ve found yourself facing the need for a new air conditioner this time of year, chances are that you’re in a bit of a rush to get one installed. We have to urge you, however, do not make this […]
The short answer to this is, “yes, almost always!” But don’t worry, we will elaborate. A lot of homeowners are struggling lately with deciding how to stay healthy inside their homes. Indoor air quality has become a buzzword lately. We want you to understand what exactly it is that a whole-house purifier does and why […]
The short answer to this is “no.” Allow us to elaborate! Most homeowners don’t realize just how their air conditioner works, considering the complexity of modern cooling systems and the years of specialized training required to be a technician who can install and service them. There are a few common misconceptions and misunderstandings about AC […]
Roadrunner has adopted protocols to keep our customers and our staff as safe as we can. These include the use of sanitizers, face masks, and social distancing, as well as ensuring that no employees work when sick. We can handle your needs without face-to-face interaction. Payment by phone is available. Additionally, the staff at Roadrunner […]
Your air conditioning system is one of those appliances that gets put to the test year after year—even more so than your water heater, an appliance that gets used every day! With the stifling summers we experience each year, in addition to high humidity, we need AC systems to work as efficiently as possible. So, […]
We’re not here to knock evaporative cooling—it’s an effective and efficient means to cool a living space in many homes. It requires little maintenance, and is well-suited for homes in dry and arid climates. But, evaporative cooling isn’t right for every home, and yours may be one. For instance, they struggle when there is too […]