Prevent AC Repair with This Important Service

While changing your filters and cleaning debris from around your AC unit is important, it’s still not good enough when it comes to tuning up your air conditioner. In general, it’s recommended to have a professional come out once a year for AC maintenance–or twice a year if you’re utilizing a heat pump system. We […]
Why You Should Never See Ice on Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner is still getting quite the workout this summer, but what if you notice something isn’t quite right? What if, for example, you think your air conditioner isn’t keeping you as comfortable as it should, only to go look at the unit and notice that ice has developed on the evaporator coil? You […]
Boost AC Efficiency and Prevent Repairs with These Tips

It’s no secret that around the Rio Rancho area, air conditioners are an absolute necessity and that they get quite the workout each and every summer. Fortunately, modern air conditioners are very durable, and can take the heat, right? Well, they can if they’re properly cared for, and used as efficiently as possible, anyhow. How […]
2 Possible Reasons for Low Airflow

Your air conditioning system is one of those appliances that gets put to the test year after year—even more so than your water heater, an appliance that gets used every day! With the stifling summers we experience each year, in addition to high humidity, we need AC systems to work as efficiently as possible. So, […]