Do you have water coming up from under your floor? Are your monthly water bills suddenly higher for no apparent reason? If so, you might have a slab leak. Slab leaks are a major problem, though they are thankfully less common than many other plumbing problems. Most homes sit on a concrete foundation, known as a slab, for the sake of stability and safety. A number of your plumbing pipes actually run under the slab, which is beneficial in a couple of different ways. The problem is that if one of those pipes springs a leak, it can damage your home and be incredibly difficult to repair. Let’s take a look at what you should do if you think you might have a slab leak.
Call for Slab Leak Detection Services Immediately
When a slab leak occurs, the water from it filters up through the slab and starts rotting out the area under your floor. If a slab leak is allowed to continue for even a relatively small amount of time, it can cause thousands of dollars worth of water damage. So if you suspect that you have a slab leak in your home, you should call for slab leak detection services immediately. Special detection tools can allow us to pinpoint the exact location of the slab leak, so we can set about repairing it.
There was a time when the only way to repair a slab leak was to tear up the slab itself to get to the pipe. Fortunately, that is no longer the case. We now have the technology to reach and repair the pipe without inflicting any damage to your slab or the floor above it.
If you need slab leak repair services, call Roadrunner Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration. We serve all of Rio Rancho, NM.